Download Payroll Data

Enhance your Payroll Report building capabilities by equipping your Payroll system with the capability to easily download data such as Payslips, Summary, and 2316

Integration Scenario

Creating reports out of payroll logs is a time-consuming task for Robert, a Payroll Manager at his company. The traditional approach involves manually extracting payroll data from the system, uploading it to another system for processing, and then compiling and summarizing the results. This lengthy process is prone to clerical errors, which can significantly impact the high-level decisions made from this data.

By integrating their Sprout payroll with an API, they no longer need to manually extract payroll data as they will be able to download the data they need (such as: Payroll Summary, Payslip, and 2316), so that they can jump straight into building the report themselves, making more efficient use of their time and talents.

APIs Included

Payroll Service

It enables your company to easily download essential payroll data

Coming Soon!

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